Friday, March 28, 2008

Getting closer

I am getting closer. I have not set a goal weight but for my official three month mark on April 17, my goal is 35 pounds at least. As of today , I am at 28, yayyy! I lost three pounds last week. Believe me , I worked for it too. My activity points were close to 30 last week. Surprisingly enough though ,the workouts are great and I am not tired or worn-out. I feel good. I vary them from elliptical two-three times a week. Waterwalking one night a week. Then I try to walk the neighborhood or do my DVD's on other days. I am on a natural high right now.

Update on my prayer request: My friend came through surgery wonderfully. She does not know the outcome yet of the lump but the doctor said it looked ok but will not be sure until it is sent off for tests. Please continue to pray for her.

New prayer request: My grandmother has had a terrible leg infection. They took a culture today and it has come back that she has the Mercer(?(sp?) infection. She turned 90 yesterday and is really upset now after hearing about this. Please pray for her healing and her encouragement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MRSA infection that your grandmother must have; sorry to hear her health problems

WTG on the weight loss; you are doing good!! my day to start is Monday; should have stuck with my New Year's resolution, LOL, and I'd be down a few pounds instead of up a few pounds

keep up the good work!
