Thursday, March 6, 2008

Doom Day

Unfortunately, I had a weight gain this week of .6 pounds putting me back at 24 pounds total lost so far. It really was a downer because I had 23 activity points this week. I was feeling slimmer and positive and then wham, the news.

I am trying not to be discouraged because I knew it would happen eventually but I was so psyched this week. I really wanted to hit that 25 pound mark this week. I keep telling myself:

#1 I increased my weight training this week, so some of that may be muscle gain.

#2 I am on a medicine that will cause an increase in appetite and weight gain. I have defeated the odds the last few weeks.

#3 Even though I stayed within points last week, I did not follow the food guidelines and was lacking on vegetables this week.

Oh well, maybe next week.

Onto another subject. Please uplift my father in your prayers. We were in the ER until 3 AM last night because he was having problems breathing. He is currently in the hospital getting breathing treatments and a dose of antibiotics. He may go home tomorrow. For those of you who don't already know he is also recovering right now from a fall in mid-January off the front porch in which he broke his wrist, three ribs and cracked his pelvic bones in two places.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so sorry about your weight gain; but I wouldn't worry too much about it; bet you'll see a nice loss next week; when I was losing weight, some weeks I didn't lose that much and then the next week would be a good loss

hoping your father is able to go home tomorrow from the hosopital and starts to feel better soon
