Sunday, February 3, 2008

I don't miss this feeling

I am green. I over indulged for the Super Bowl Party. I watched my points and kept them low most of the day. I just started keying in my food points and wowie bozowie, I am in trouble. All I can say is no wonder my tum-tum hurts so bad right now. The sad thing is I stopped eating way before I normally would have. So just imagine what I was normally eating on such an occassion. WOWIE!

I have to honestly say, I do not miss this bloated and tight feeling. The feeling that you feel like you should be rolled around instead of walking from place to place. I am finding new meaning to the old toys called  Weeble-Wobbles. I know you remember the phrase, "Weebles Wobble but they don't fall down". Well I am weebling and wobbling and I am about to fall down into my bed.

UGGH! I don't miss this feeling.

Now let me tell you what I am proud of. It was a beautiful day and I went for a one mile walk. I am proud I did walk but am sad that I have not rebuilt my strength yet to handle more than one mile. I am also proud when confronted with potato chips that I did not eat more than two servings. I know I did overindulge on other things but the chips are a start.

Ok, I am going to wobble to my bed now. Did I mention that I don't miss this feeling? Oh, ok maybe I will get the point at the next party.

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