Saturday, February 23, 2008

What I learned...

What did I learn this week at WW? Well I learned to accept compliments. As on overweight individual, I have the habit of blowing off compliments and not accepting them. Last night, I was helping present a workshop for VBS when one of my customers approached me and said, " I love your hair." My first thought was, yeah right, I have been standing in the rain and I know it is a total frizzbop right now. I did not tell her that though, I graciously said, "Thank you." 

This morning another customer approached me and said, " You did a fabulous job." My first thought was, ahhh no I didn't, if she only knew my stress level right now but I didn't, I graciously looked at her and said, " Well thank you."

I have to say it felt great.

Why can't we accept a compliment? Why must we always turn the compliment into something negative. Just graciously say "thank you." It feels so much better and does so much for your self esteem.

Let's practice... Thank you, Thank you, Thank you......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great entry; I'm like that too, its hard to accept a compliment; I think I'll be practicing thank you more :)
