Thursday, April 3, 2008

After all weigh in was at different times of the day

Yes, black font. I am discouraged right now. I gained 1.8 pounds. I ate better than normal this week. My activity points were higher. I just don't understand.

I keep telling myself that last week I weighed in at 11 AM and today it was 6 PM. The time of day can make a big difference. I also know I took my high blood pressure fluid pill earlier today and did not seem to get rid of any more fluid than usual. I also know that muscle weighs more than fat. I know my arms are getting toned and my legs, oh my . I can feel the muscles just standing still . I also keep thinking, your clothes feel better and your workout clothes are starting to hang and I have to keep pulling them up. So something is going on but the scale just does not want to show it.

Please keep me encouraged and uplifted.

I have decided to revamp my goal. My goal now is to hit 30 pounds by my three month mark on April 17. That is only 3 pounds, much more reasonable than last week's 35 goal. I don't want to get disappointed again.

Note of praise though. I requested prayer for my friend last week for her lumpectomy. She is doing fantastic. The biopsy came back non-cancerous. Praise the Lord!


Anonymous said...

Do yourself a favor.    Quit stressing over how much/how fast.    WW is a great plan, and many have success stories with it.   But if you find that you are obsessing over every little pound when you know you have taken the correct steps to a better healthier you, then you are going to end up defeating yourself.

1.8 lbs could EASILY be water, the time of the day you weighed, exercise, you needed a good poop!   Even if you only lose 5 lbs in one month, you are five lbs in the right direction.   The biggest thing is that you gotta find that way you can live with the rest of your life.    Do you really want to live your life stressing over every thing you put into your mouth, and every up and down pound you see?  

If you lost only 8 lbs a month, in six months, you would have lost 64 lbs.  

Just relax.   You are working on a healtier you and you didn't gain every week that you overate, and you won't lose every week that you don't.

PS:  I FULLY understand how you feel....have been in your shoes and really, you're doing great.   Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Meg said it so well; time of day makes a difference for me in my weight; I could fluctuate anywhere from 2-5 pounds a day depending on when I weighed myself because of water intake, etc. Meg is right; you are making healthy food choices and exercising and getting your body in better shape; that means a lot more than the number on the scale; yet we obsess about that number; so don't let it get you down; keep on your plan which is a good one
