Wednesday, April 16, 2008


My dad's surgery went great. It is almost midnight and I am just getting home and surviving off about three hours sleep from last night. The surgery was scheduled for 9 am then moved to 4 pm, then 5pm, then 6 pm and  finally 7:30 pm. He did not need a hip replacement but a rod placed into the bone. They were able to do it with a spinal whatnot ( I am not a doctor or a nurse and obviously not a good listener either since I do not know the technical term or the slang term)  so his surgery was less risky with his heart and lung problems.

Thank you for your prayers. The doctor did say that the wedding trip is not out of the question and if he sets his mind to it and the recovery that he can go. Pray for his strength and determination.

On a comical note, I will leave you with a cute pic of him in his beautifiul metallic surgical cap.

Oh  my he is the male version of his mother, my late grandmother.

By the way, I talked to my friend that was in the car accident. He is doing good too. He was in good spirits and still had his funny wit. Please continue to uplift them in prayer too as he faces surgery again next week.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so happy to hear the surgery went well! its neat that he can possibly go to the wedding!!! I bet that might help him with his recovery!
