Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Tuesdays lifestyle report

With all the action from the previous post, I did not officially workout but I walked alot. I think I lost a few pounds in perspiration too, haha!

My first step is to break my carbonated beverage habit.  They just bloat your so much. I drink water mostly but sometimes I want some flavor and that is when I turn to sodas..I shared one with my nephew and my mother, so I had less than a third. I opted for unsweetened tea at dinner and Hi-C orange for my ride home. I know , I know the Hi-C is full of carbs. My thinking, if I get off the carbonation first then I will cut out the carbs. I did it before and it worked. Hopefully I can keep that mind set. I do not like diet sodas so that is not an option. BLAH!

Anyways, I think under the circumstances, I did good. Thanks for the encouragement.

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