Friday, August 24, 2007

Munchkin is smart.

On Tuesday I was driving down the road with my 4 year old nephew who I refer to as munchkin. We passed the local Pepsi facility. I made the statement to my mom that I hope when I get to heaven that there is a fountain full of Pepsi. Since I am trying to stay away from the carbonation and empty calories, I really would like that luxury fountain in heaven where calories do not matter anymore. Munchkin says,

 " Nanny, When I get to heaven I hope there is alot of Sierra Mist up there."

I could not help but to chuckle at his comprehension of what I was saying and how smart he was to make that statement. Munchkin I hope and pray that your Sierra Mist fountain is right next to my Pepsi fountain. I love you little man.

I guess in heaven all our wants and desires will be gone, but wouldn't it be great to drink and drink from that unlimited Pepsi and Sierra Mist fountain, oh my.


By the way in the last two weeks I have only had a few sips of soda .That was only because of the lack of anything non-carbonated at the time.

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