Sunday, August 12, 2007


After reading the post on Noodle's Nest , I had to go see the movie Hairspray. The movie was great. I loved it. There was so much more to the movie then the acting.

The storyline for those who have not seen it or the Broadway version is accepting people for who they are. Size does not matter. Color does not matter. Nothing matters but the person's heart. I do strive for this goal because I am overweight. I know that I have been passed over for jobs and other things because of it. I am a beautiful person on the inside and out. I do get down on myself alot. Other times I think it is their loss not mine if the person is that shallow. Anyway you look at it, it is wrong.

Dear Lord,

Help me to remember to look beyond anyone's physical appearance. I know in my sinful ways I have failed. Please forgive me. Help me to look at other's hearts and to treat everyone equal. That is my intentions but at times I am human. Thank you for your forgiveness.

Help me to show your love with everyone I am in contact with and not to treat some people different than others. We are all your children.

Help me to keep on the right track for making my body your temple and pleasing to you.



FYI: I had four sips of a canned Pepsi today and walked away. YAYYYY!!!!


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