Saturday, August 16, 2008

Strange Post.... I am being attacked

I am being attacked by mosquitoes and fleas. Strange I know. I go to visit my nephew daily and he loves and wants to play outside. One problem it is dusk and prime feeding time for mosquitoes. I think they have an intercom system to let their colony know that there is an " All You Can Eat Buffet" in the front yard in the form of a pudgy 35 year old female. My nephew rarely gets bit. His parents rarely get bit but oh boy they here me coming five miles away. They only bite me on the legs though which is where I do not have any perfume or scented lotions. Last week I put repellent on my legs and you could see the five mosquitoes swarming around my head.  I can't explain it. I am a mosquito magnet.

Yesterday we decided to stay in the house and I felt I was getting bit by something. I look down and it is a flea. They do have a cat. I do have a cat. My cat does not have fleas. He is an indoor cat and if I see one sign of a flea he gets a flea treatment. My sister's response, I havn't had any problems, insects just must like you. Well thanks, I can not find a man but I can attract insects. That is an ego booster.

Today's fiasco's.  I stopped by nephew's house for five minutes to visit him. In that five minutes I was bit by a mosquito twice. I had left my car door open knowing I was only going to stay a minute. When I shut the doors I discovered, not one, not two but three mosquitoes in my car. YESSSS! In my car. This evening , sitting right here at the computer I felt something biting me on my arm and yes it was a mosquito in the house. I was flabbergasted. My mom pipes up, They never bite twice. I do not know where she has heard that fairy tale because the little mosquito was smooshed a minute later as he was biting my other arm. I feel like I am being bit all over and am itchy. I know that is my imagination but can you blame me.

I read they are attracted to CO2 and lactic acid. I must be full of both, who knows. I know that repellent works but I dont want to smell like the repellent the rest of the evening. That is gross! Any suggestions?

Why did God create mosquitoes? Were they part of the curse? If so, what have I done so bad to keep being attacked.

A female Culiseta longiareolata

R.I. P.  August 16, 2008




Anonymous said...

I'm not exactly sure why God created mosquitoes......but I guess I thought the "curse" had something to do with childbirth, labor, and crawling on one's belly for eternity!. N.

Anonymous said...

Oh My Gosh!!!  They have been feasting on me too!!  Abby and I are ALWAYS getting eat up and Mike, Trevor and Shelby hardly ever get bitten!! We use that new off that goes on dry and it smells really good.  It works.  I just leave it outside on the patio so we can just spray it on when we go out.  

Hope things are going well.  Well, except for being eaten alive:~)

I stayed home form church today with a bad bad cold.  Poor me:~)
