Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Final weigh in for challenge

Final weigh in was that I lost 15.3 pounds in 12 weeks, I am both encouraged and discouraged.

Discouraged because I wanted to reach 20 pounds in twelve weeks.

Encouraged because I lost something. For so long I have done nothing but gain. I can tell in the weirdest place I have lost weight, my nose. Why? I don't know why.

Last night I went to a church banquet and the theme was "our body, God's temple". Well I thought ok Lord that is a hint on the exact day my program ended. But even more, we receive a journal by Michael Youssef in the mail and I was reading that last night also. The topic title on day two was "Our Body, God's Temple" .

Alright, I know to take a hint and know God is on my side. Our bodies are a reflection of Him because we are created in his image and it is our responsibility to treat it like a temple.

Thank you Lord for the reminder to keep going even when my program ended, you are all I need to continue.



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