Well, that is how I am feeling right now. Sunday was the beginning of a bad week and everyday has had it's own challenges.
Do you want hear about it? Good .
Dad was supposed to go home Wednesday but had another attack that morning. Dad was supposed to go home today but doctor wants to monitor him another day. We will see about tomorrow.
Washing machine broke. Have about two weeks worth of dark clothes piled up. I have been wearing lounge outfits and the clothes you have that you never give away but don't prefer to wear either. Went to laundromat with twenty dollars in quarters while babysitting my nephew since he has been at the hospital so much. Laundromat no longer takes quarters only bills. I have no cash except the twenty dollars in quarters. Have to go to my sister's house and do one load at a time. Did I mention that it ended up being seven loads of laundry? So I was there for hours while still having to see my dad and do some errands.
I am in charge of family movie night tomorrow night at church. Do you think I have had time to do anything to prepare this week with all that has been going on with my dad ? NO.
Went to Wonder bread store to get Twinkies for Family Movie Night. Guess What? They didn't have any. I should have known.
Went to two stores looking for big bags of popcorn. Do you think I found it? NO.
My brother is covering my day off at my store since my dad who normally covers my day off is in the hospital. He calls. His van is overheating and needs a car. My mom needs her car in case my dad does come home. I have a lot of errands to run to somewhat prepare for movie night and I need mine. Then it dawns on us , he can take my dad's car because he is not using it. Then we find out he has not updated the inspection since May, yes MAY. That is not all though. He has just decided to tell us his ignition is broke and he can not take the key out . Ok , is that not asking for someone to steal it or what?Then again the thief probably looks at it and knows it is not worth touching.
Now I probably could keep going even on minor details. I am going toprepare myself to not have any gas tomorrow in my car because my brother never refills what he uses. Oh by the way, since my sister works at the hospital and her car wasn't being used she allowed me to use hers for my errands so that my brother had transportation. That leaves me with another dilemma though. I had to refill her gas and since my brother left me with no gas I have to fill mine too. Isn't that double jeopardy?
I will stop now in case you are as tired as I am. But please stop the rain...unless it is in the form of good news. I will proclaim it...
Let it rain with glory Lord let it rain with honor. Let it pour with your love, Lord. Let it rain.
Let It Rain by Michael W Smith
The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad
Let the distance shores rejoice
Clouds and thick darkness surround him
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne
A fire goes before him and consumes his foes on every side
His lightning lights up the world
The earth sees and trembles
The mountains melt like wax before the Lord
Before the Lord of all the earth
The Heavens proclaim His righteousness
And all peoples will see His Glory
We want to see Your Glory, God!
Do you want to see His Glory?
Lift your voices, lift your hands!
Let it rain, let it rain.
Open the floodgates of Heaven
1 comment:
Girl....you know it can't last forever! It can only go up from here. God knew from the beginning that you'd face these days, and he made provision to help you through it. Couldn't someone else do family night?
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