I am a southern girl and proud. We are raised on good manners and good hospitality. My father though was raised in the north where his siblings still dwell. Over the years my father has been southernized and lost alot of his northern rudeness and coldness, alot but not all... he eats okra now too. He is flying to his home state of Connecticut for a wedding in late spring. It is for his nephew, my cousin. My mom is not going because she is mad that her kids were not invited and never are to these occasions. She has a hard time attending these big events and seeing every other cousin there but her three. She says it is like we do not exist but we do. We probably would not go but an invite would have been nice.
Well back to the southerners and northerners subject. As a southerner if you hear a relative is coming to town, you clean and make room for them somewhere unless they decide to stay in a hotel. You still tell them to stay and make the offer. In the north, well it is totally different. My father made a few phone calls to his siblings. Do you know that all of them claim they have no room for him? One man their own brother, nope no room. They can not even give him a couch. I think this is so rude and cold. He has not been in four to five years. Even when he called no one even gave him suggestions for a hotel. Well personally I would not go but I guess he feels he needs to attend the festivities since he went to other weddings there. I could understand if my mom was going that it would be hard to have room for them as a couple but just one, your own brother. This is your older brother and in the past he has stayed with them but they say various reasons they are full. Now my other beef is this is the same weekend Yale is graduating and for the four nights he is there it will cost him over $500 for a hotel. Could you do this to your brother? Not me. I would find him an air mattress and a floor somewhere. Am I the one who sees this as just rude and cold? I have thought about it and they are not mad at him and they are not aware of my mothers feelings so I can only blame it on being a northerner.
My best friend came to town for two weeks, I didn't have a room but I had an air mattress and a living room floor. That is whereshe stayed. I had pure southern hospitality.
While typing this the spiritual side of me was thinking. This story sounds familiar. The night of Christ's birth. No room, no room and no room. This was our Savior being born and no room until the one inn made room for him in a stable. Our precious Lord was born in a stable of all places.... The innkeeper finally made room for him somewhere . My only conclusion is that innkeeper must have been a SOUTHERNER!
My apologies if you are a northerner and are not rude and cold.
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