Monday, April 16, 2007


Don't you wish you could lose weight just by not eating something?

Today my employee was having a handspun milk shake and it looked so good. I looked it up on the web site and that milk shake had 670 calories and 28 grams of fat, WOW! I thought wow I saved myself those calories but I only wish that I could have burned those calories just by not eating them. Life would be so easy that way. I was reading Woman's Day Magazine and that was listed as hypothetical gadget for women that would allow you to burn the calories you didn't eat. Well I didn't eat the milk shake and I didn't eat that cheeseburger and I didn't eat that large fry. Well I am sure that's a pound there, right. Oh well , life isn't that easy and you have to work for it like everything else.

My workout today,  I walked two miles on the treadmill at an incline and did one mile on the elliptical. Total calories burned 650, almost equal to the milk shake, but oh that milk shake would have been so delicious but would have been double the work.

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