Saturday, April 28, 2007

Southerners and Northerners

I am a southern girl and proud. We are raised on good manners and good hospitality. My father though was raised in the north where his siblings still dwell. Over the years my father has been southernized and lost alot of his northern rudeness and coldness, alot but not all... he eats okra now too. He is flying to his home state of Connecticut for a wedding in late spring. It is for his nephew, my cousin. My mom is not going because she is mad that her kids were not invited and never are to these occasions. She has a hard time attending these big events and seeing every other cousin there but her three. She says it is like we do not exist but we do. We probably would not go but an invite would have been nice.

Well back to the southerners and northerners subject. As a southerner if you hear a relative is coming to town, you clean and make room for them somewhere unless they decide to stay in a hotel. You still tell them to stay and make the offer. In the north, well it is totally different. My father made a few phone calls to his siblings. Do you know that all of them claim they have no room for him? One man their own brother, nope no room. They can not even give him a couch. I think this is so rude and cold. He has not been in four to five years. Even when he called no one even gave him suggestions for a hotel. Well personally I would not go but I guess he feels he needs to attend the festivities since he went to other weddings there. I could understand if my mom was going that it would be hard to have room for them as a couple but just one, your own brother. This is your older brother and in the past he has stayed with them but they say various reasons they are full. Now my other beef is this is the same weekend Yale is graduating and for the four nights he is there it will cost him over $500 for a hotel. Could you do this to your brother? Not me. I would find him an air mattress and a floor somewhere. Am I the one who sees this as just rude and cold? I have thought about it and they are not mad at him and they are not aware of my mothers feelings so I can only blame it on being a northerner.

My best friend came to town for two weeks, I didn't have a room but I had an air mattress and a living room floor. That is whereshe stayed. I had pure southern hospitality.

While typing this the spiritual side of me was thinking. This story sounds familiar. The night of Christ's birth. No room, no room  and no room. This was our Savior being born and no room until the one inn made room for him in a stable. Our precious Lord was born in a stable of all places.... The innkeeper finally made room for him somewhere . My only conclusion is that innkeeper must have been a SOUTHERNER!


My apologies if you are a northerner and are not rude and cold.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

tooth extraction

Today I had the wonderful experience of getting a back tooth extracted. I stressed and worried about it all day yesterday and all night. I didn't stress over my wisdom teeth as much as I did this tooth because I knew I would be asleep for the wisdom teeth. I arrived at the office and was seen by the dentist who gave me two numbing shots which made me cry. That pinch hurts. He waited about 15 minutes , came back in, put something in my mouth and said raise your right hand if it hurts. He put something in and pulled and in 10 seconds he was finished. All that stress for 10 seconds. Today hasn't been that bad but now my mouth is soar, real soar. I can only imagine how life was without novacaine.

What was more frustrating was today was babysitting day... Now remember I can only have soft foods and at Chicfila he had nuggets and I had nothing. The munchkin was sharing my ICEE and he broke the cup by getting excited in the cart . There went my first nourishment for the day in the trash and on the floor . Later I decided to scramble some eggs and munchkin wanted some too but he wanted to help. We only had five eggs. We break the eggs and he is being the happy helper but his hand hits the bowl and down the drain go all the eggs. I just wanted to cry and he is saying, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I had to hug him but I was so frustrated. Maybe God was telling me that.....

 I was just supposed to fast today!!!!!!!!


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Busch Gardens

Mom and I went to Busch Gardens on Sunday with the intent to see a few shows and walk the park. However when we arrived we were five minutes late for the show we wanted to go see and it wasn't playing for another three hours. So we hiked the park and strolled through certain places. I deliberately went down the bridge near the Loch Ness Monster, you know the steep hill with the steep steps. There were alot of years I avoided that walk and that bridge because of the hill and steps. Well I not only did it once but I did it at the end of my walk too. I am so proud.

Had a sneek peek at the new roller coaster, all I can say is WOW!

Weigh in yesterday, one more pound gone for a total of 12.5.


Saturday, April 21, 2007

The two munchkins

I couldn't resist posting this picture. This is a picture of my nephew asleep in between my legs Thursday when I was watching him. One problem is that is where  my cat, Lilbit sleeps when I am sitting in the recliner. Lilbit was determined to sleep in his usual spot even if it meant sleeping on top of that munchkin that he has a love/hate relationship with. If you look closely you will see my shoe in the background, not a bad picture from a camera phone and considering I was sitting there too.

Love/hate huh! The two of them are both summer 2003 babies. Both are extremely jealous of the other. If I am holding one I have to hold the other too. Lilbit will let Cameron pet him but only in the last few months. We have to keep Lilbit out of Cameron's nap area because the cat uses that opportunity while Cameron is asleep to love on him. He walks all around him smelling and kissing him with his nose. It wouldnt be a problem except the wet nose and nudges wake him up. If you ask me I think that is the cats intent, to wake the kid up. One of these days I will get a picture of that too It's not always like that between the two of them, alot of times I am the referee. Yeah between a kid and a cat. 

A Little more info on that spoiled cat. He swallowed some plastic object two weeks ago and regurgitated it. After that he stopped eating and drinking. After day 2 he was lethargic and we were worried and made an appointment for him on day 3. Cameron went with us and was very protective, it was sweet. He said he doesn't want Lilbit to get shots. In the car when the cat would meow, Cameron would tell him, "It's ok baby kitty we trying to make you better." Well the cat had x-rays , fluid shot and an antacid shot but no signs of blockage. We pay the $235 vet bill, yeah $235 for the cat to walk back in the house and  walk straight to his dish , eat his food and drink . Some may say that was a waste of money , but I would say to see Cameron worry and protect him and for the cat to eat for the first time in three days, PRICELESS!

Well I say it but I do wish I still had the $235 in my pocket.


Why is everything thats so good so bad....

Everything that tastes so good is sooo bad. Why is the that? I blame the devil. He takes everything that is good and turns it to evil. God created the food for nourishment and enjoyment but the devil tells us to eat more and more knowing that gluttony is a sin . We knowingly eat more than we need and gain weight. That is not how God intended it to be. This is just another means of how the devil tries everything he can to mess up our body which is the temple God created. 

My breakfast and lunch yesterday were good but for dinner I couldn't decide what I wanted. While deciding I was visiting my wonderful nephew when my brother in law came back with  KK doughnuts, I am sure everyone around here knows what KK is, you know the doughnut place with the hot doughnuts now sign. Well who can resist a hot KK? Not me. I indulged in one hot one, not bad right. Well I have a broken tooth and the sugar was going straight to that nerve, what a great hint to stop.  I then decided to eat at my sister's house , left over BBQ and corn dog nuggets. Well I baked the nuggets which was better than frying. But oh I love corn dogs and something about those little morsels that makes you think you are eating less. Needless to say I had quite a few and a few not meaning two.  Of course all of this was accompanied with potato chips which I allow myself with a meal and no other time. All of this salt triggered a thirst and a thirst not for water but the heavenly created Pepsi. Upon leaving, the devil made me drive to the 7-11 for a wonderful indulgent Pepsi from the fountain, oh they are so wonderful. 

What did I learn? Trigger foods. You see , none of that food is bad in moderation.  The doughnut triggered me eating another half one. One corn dog triggered another corn dog. Chips triggered soda. Oh how the devil was working on me. God created it for nourishment and enjoyment but I let the devil influence me into gluttony.  Lesson learned, I hope.

Lord, help me on this journey and be my strength, Amen.







Friday, April 20, 2007

Silence for Victims

No entry of silence in respect and memory of the victims.

Tags: virginia tech

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Virginia Tech again

My heart has been so heavy after what happened Monday. I knew that someone from my community would be affected. Well there was one from my immediate surrounding that was killed. Another from my extended community was killed and a third from the extended was injured. My heart goes out to their families and friends for this horrific act of violence.

I read the myspace page of one of the victims and her family had left comments pleading for her to call them day. Can you imagine? I just cried for them imagining how that family felt waiting for a call and never getting one from their precious daughter. Thankfully she was a Christian and her myspace is a witness to that. Hundreds of people have viewed her myspace page and have seen her faith. What an awesome witness and legacy she has left!

If you were to die today, what would people know or view about you?




Monday, April 16, 2007

Virginia Tech

My thoughts and prayers are with the victims, families and students at Virginia Tech.

It hit home because that is my home state and one person injured was from this area.


God Bless Virginia Tech



Don't you wish you could lose weight just by not eating something?

Today my employee was having a handspun milk shake and it looked so good. I looked it up on the web site and that milk shake had 670 calories and 28 grams of fat, WOW! I thought wow I saved myself those calories but I only wish that I could have burned those calories just by not eating them. Life would be so easy that way. I was reading Woman's Day Magazine and that was listed as hypothetical gadget for women that would allow you to burn the calories you didn't eat. Well I didn't eat the milk shake and I didn't eat that cheeseburger and I didn't eat that large fry. Well I am sure that's a pound there, right. Oh well , life isn't that easy and you have to work for it like everything else.

My workout today,  I walked two miles on the treadmill at an incline and did one mile on the elliptical. Total calories burned 650, almost equal to the milk shake, but oh that milk shake would have been so delicious but would have been double the work.

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Weigh In

Weigh day for end of week 7, I was skeptical today because when I weighed myself yesterday on the manual scales it looked as if I was going to break even. I stood on the computerized scales and my instructor said, you lost two pounds since last week. I was so happy, last week I showed a 1.5 pound gain after Easter and my birthday celebration.

Total now for 7 weeks is 11 pounds, not bad not bad


Saturday, April 14, 2007


Well same customer , new situation. The customer I was venting about has a disease that she claims she has been healed of.  I had a very close friend who also had this same disease but died from complications of the disease. Every time this woman comes in I wonder why some people are healed of diseases and others are not. How does God choose? One might say God relieved my friend of her suffering and called her home. I understand and know she is in a better place but I still struggle with the whys and why nots. She has two beautiful kids and a husband, Some believe healing is based on your belief and how much you believe, I know beyond a doubt my friend was a Christian and believed with all her heart in God and Jesus but Why did he heal one and not other?  Would I wish her back her after being with our heavenly Father, no. I just miss her .  I guess I will never know why but just have to have faith that there is a greater purpose. I have to believe that her purpose here was completed. We were never guaranteed a fair life just an eternal life if we choose to believe. I believe and leave it in your hands God.

More Customer Service

Well I think that this blog may be more about my customers than my life or weight loss. I have this one customer who enjoys bugging me to death. A few weeks ago she called wanting me to personalize something and she would come pick it up that day which was a Saturday. She asked what time we close that day which is 6 PM. At 5:55 PM she has not stopped by  to get it and called at 5:59 PM and says she forgot an was on her way. So I had to wait on her until 6:15 PM to arrive. She never apologizes nor does she thank me , she expects it. Well I bite my lip like I do every other time she walks in 5 minutes before we close knowing good and well what time we close. This woman goes out of her way to get on my nerves every time she is there. When she talks it is like fingers on a blackboard

Today.... She calls at  noon looking for a particular book and asks me to hold it for her. She also asks what time we close even though she knows what time we close. Once again at 5:55 she comes waltzing in the store talking on her cell phone like she has all the time in the world. She browses at a few things and slowly comes to the counter for book. Now it is after 6PM which is  closing time. She reads the table of contents and then browses at a few items at the counter and I have now rung her up and am giving her a total when she asks for another item and I tell her exactly where it is and it was right in her sight . She says I can't find it and let me say if it were a snake it would have bit her. I have to walk around the counter and get it for her. Uggh! She then asks for it to be personalized and I inform her I can do it but not tonight because we are closed and we did not have time. She said ok, which surprised me. Then she continues to browse. I really am trying to be polite but my politeness is wearing out. She pays for her items and leaves the store at 6:08 PM  but wait she takes two steps out and comes back for a bookmark. She is looking at the bookmarks and is humming and  hawwing and I decide to count the register and close out. She says, ohmy your counting the register and continues to browse. She didn't take the hint. Then I close my AOL screen and for those of you that have AOL you know it says "GOODBYE" quite loudly. She hears it and continues to browse. My employee who also is my cousin is about to bust out laughing. He then asks her if she has found a bookmark and she says, no not yet. I then walk over to our cd player and turn it off and she says, wow she even turned the music off but continues to browse. Another hint not taken. I then walk to the back and am really contemplating turning the lights out because the devil was telling me to do it. I hear my cousin give her a total and was patient. The total was $2.09, now I am staying 10-15 minutes overtime and paying someone to  stay there after hours for a $2 sale. She then says I only have $2.04 I have to go to my car. I then flip the light and walk up front and she walks back in and says , wow she turned the lights out. Hello we closed at 6 not 6:15. She gives him the nickel and stops and says, well how is your mother. I said fine very sternly and informed her that we have to leave to go to a birthday party. She still does not take the hint, stops and inquires whose birthday it is and what we were doing. I would have said, oh my let me hurry but no not her.  What do you have to do to get through to this woman? She finally leaves at 6:18. My cousin says, well I could have told her not to worry about the nickel, I said oh no she has made me stay this late I am getting every nickel I can from her. I hate to be like this but this woman does this all the time. I think I need to stop being polite since she makes a habit of this but I try to show God's love.

 Just for the note, I got into my car at 6:22. AHHHHHH! My cousin and I laughed alot on the drive home about the AOL goodbye, he said that was loud, I said I know I turned the volume up. Maybe God is trying to teach me patience. Wow I didn't pray for it.


Friday, April 13, 2007

yellow pages again

Had another customer call today wanting to know the number of another business. I don't know what possesses people to call me for some things but want to leave you with this thought.:


Remember next time you want to call 411 and don't want to pay for it, call your local Christian bookstore and see if they know the #, doesn't that make sense?

Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th, how superstitious. That's what I think every time until things start happening. I have stated I work in a Christian bookstore and believe me we get some lulu people. One man calls and inquires about release dates for some very popular Southern Gospel groups. I am very polite and agree to look things up for him and he keeps repeating the names , the music group and what he wants me to do. I told him at least four to five times that I will look it up and call him back but he kept going, it took me at least 5 minutes to get him off the phone from repeating the same thing over and over and over again. I find the information out and call him back because that is what a good customer service manager does and he doesn't answer the phone. Later he calls back and repeats everything back to me and tells me I never called him back, whatever! I explain to him what I know and then he continues on to another particular group and I couldn't answer his question so then he tells me he will call Bill's office. ( Bill as in yes the famous Bill G but I wont use full names)But he wanted to know my name so he could call me back, I was so tempted to say I was Beulah (madeup name)  and not Becky but I know that was a lie and unethical but oh I was so tempted.  He then proceeds to call me back to tell me there is nothing new coming out on him and gives me release dates for some off the wall groups. He then tells me that he has connections and is good friends with all these Southern Gospel groups and that one famous one is his godfather and that he ( customer) legally changed his name to this famous persons first name. First off, how do you say, I DON'T CARE! In customer service you cant but you can think it and I was. I was also thinking if you know all these people and have such connections then why are you calling me asking me the release dates and ordering the product, seems to me they would tell you and send you the cds. He kept going on and on and finally I was doing the uh-huh thing when I do when I am really not listening to you until he told me that anytime I hear a Southern Gospel rumor to call him andhe will call his connections to find out the truth. Then I was thinking well how many Southern Gospel rumors do I hear in a day more or less a year and if I did hear anything there is this thing called the Internet and I can research it myself....Next call was another lulu looking for something that he describes to me, well first off it is nothing a Christian bookstore or church supply store would carry and I don't know where to get it from and I explain this to him and he keeps going on and on and on and measuring it and giving me the dimensions,which were 17 ft by 24 ft and it fits on his bedroom door, Wow where does he live that his bedroom door is that big, I ask if he means inches and he says no feet.  I am just clue less, I give him a suggestion of a sign shop and the name of one. He then asks me to spell it, I said, S  I G, he said, T , I said no G as in Goofy and I am thinking , goofy like you. Then he asks if I know their number. Hello  do I look  like the walking yellow pages?  Then it dawns on my it is Friday the 13th and then I was wondering about a full moon. No full moon just superstitiously the 13th and a Friday.

To end this, after some days, I do wonder if I am the lulu and everyone else is normal, could that be?

Christian Bookstore and Christian People

Well, I work in a Christian Bookstore and you probably think we have the nicest people coming in all the time but believe me there are a lot of people we wonder about. If people act the way they do in my store, God Bless the people they encounter in a non-Christian atmosphere that don't know they are a Christian. One of my thoughts after some people leave is what exactly are their preachers preaching about on Sunday because it obviously isn't Christian Living. My apologies to some pastors who may be preaching it but their members obviously arn't listening. Here is an email I received, I don't know who wrote it but I wish I could pass it out to everyone that enters my store.

Are you Jesus?

 I received this from a friend...
 As you read this think about what you would do!

 A few years ago a group of salesmen went to a regional sales
 convention in Chicago. They had assured their wives that they would be
 home in plenty of time for Friday night's dinner. In their rush, with
 tickets and briefcases, one of these salesmen inadvertently kicked
 a table which held a display of apples. Apples flew everywhere.
 stopping or looking back, they all managed to reach the plane in time
 for their nearly missed boarding.


He paused, took a deep breath, got in touch with his feelings,
and experienced a twinge of compassion for the girl whose apple stand
 had been overturned.
 He told his buddies to go on without him, waved good-bye, told
 one of them to call his wife when they arrived at their home
 destination and explain his taking a later flight.

 Then he returned to the terminal where the apples were all over
the terminal floor. He was glad he did. The 16 year old girl was
totally  blind! She was softly crying, tears running down her cheeks in
frustration, and at the same time helplessly groping for her spilled
 produce as the crowd swirled about her, no one stopping and no one to
care for her plight.

The salesman knelt on the floor with her, gathered up the
 apples, put them back on the table and helped organize her display. As
 he did this, he noticed that many of them had become battered and
bruised; these he set aside in another basket.

When he had finished, he pulled out his wallet and said to the
girl, "Here, please take this $40 for the damage we did. Are you
She nodded through her tears. He continued on with, "I hope we didn't
 spoil your day too badly."
 As the salesman started to walk away, the bewildered blind girl
called out to him, "Mister...." He paused and turned to look back into
 those blind eyes. She continued, "Are you Jesus?"

 He stopped in mid-stride, and he wondered. Then slowly he made
his way to catch the later flight with that question burning and
 bouncing about in his soul: "Are you Jesus?"

Do people mistake you for Jesus? That's our destiny, is it not?
 To be so much like Jesus that people cannot tell the difference as we
 live and interact with a world that is blind to His love, life and

If we claim to know Him, we should live, walk and act as He
 would.Knowing Him is more than simply quoting Scripture and going to
 church. It's actually living the Word as life unfolds day to day.
 You are the apple of His eye even though we, too, have been
 bruised by a fall. He stopped what He was doing and picked you and me
 up on a hill called Calvary and paid in full for our damaged fruit.

Please share this....Sometimes we just take things for granted,
 when we really need to be sharing what we know...Thanks AND GOD BLESS.

How many of us are the salesmen that continued on their way and never stopped? How many people do we leave with the impression that we know Jesus? Think about it.



Working Out

You ever have those days that you have your mind set that you are going to workout at a certain time and it just doesn't happen. Well tonight I was leaving my nephew's house and was heading home to change when he announces, I want to go to your house. If you know me you know that little man can make me do anything with that smile. Oh yeah he is spoiled and a lot by me. I'm proud of it. So much for my workout. But you know what I have worked out four times this week. Three times is my goal, four times is a plus and five times makes me proud. Well I am the plus area for four times but the week isn't over yet, I still have tomorrow, yeah right. I try to give my body two days of rest from exercise , so today was one now the question is , is tomorrow or Sunday my other rest day for this week?

Staying on the diet topic. I went to IHOP today and I really needed to work out after that. I tried their new chicken spinach and mushroom crepes. You know it is chicken and spinach what could be so wrong. I dont even want to know but I can tell you they were delicious and topped off with Harvest Nut and Grain pancakes. Oh my! I think I need to workout for seven days after that. They say 3500 calories equals a pound, well even if they were 3500 calories that pound was worth it.

Ever wonder why it is so easy to gain those pounds and so hard to lose them. 3500 calories is alot of food. Just think of what you are eating if you gain a few pounds in a few days.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

My Life


Well I am beginning this new blog thing. I am going to journal my weight loss journeyand the stories of my life. I weigh far more than I look and can not fathom that I weigh this much. How did it happen you may ask, well emotional eating and I am a food addict. I am single and 34 and have had several relationships that were not Mr. Right and instead of dealing with things head on , I ate my way through the situations. I started the Biggest Loser Challenge at our local Y and so far in about 6 weeks have lost 10 pounds. It is only a 12 week challenge and I am determined to continue my journey even after the challenge. I do not have a goal because this is going to be a lifestyle change. I do not want to live my whole life with the thought that if I eat something bad I am doomed or that everyone who sees me eating a certain thing thinks, she shouldnt be eating that, look at her. You know you think that because I am guilty of it too.

Todays problem,  Have you ever baked brownies and cook them too long but not burn them, you know what i mean they are hard as a rock but you eat them anyway, what makes you do that? I know . You eat them because you know they would taste good if they were baked right. That is addiction. I am trying now to break that cycle. Lord, please help me through this journey.

I also find it easier not to tell many people about my weigh loss journey that will discourage you or be jealous. I have a person close to me who always makes comments like is that on your diet or I dont see you workout. Well you are not with me 24 hours a day are you and dont watch and nickpick everything I eat when you weigh just as much and need to diet yourself. If you cant be an encouragement then dont speak. Lastly, dont try to bring me down because it makes you feel better about yourself or lack of discipline.