Friday, May 30, 2008


I went back to WW this week. Oh boy, oh boy ,it does not pay to go off plan. I gained seven pounds in three weeks. YIKES!

Granted I will admit I drank more sodas. I will admit I splurged. I will admit some things but on alot I will plead the fifth.

Tonight we were at my sister's watching the wedding dvd with the newlyweds and my sister and her family were eating KFC. Monkey see, monkey do. I went and bought a KFC bowl in which I have not had one since January. It was so-so but what makes it even more so-so is the bloated feeling I have right now. Not only right now but the feeling the last few days of over doing it. I know now the feeling I thought was normal was actually abnormal. I have enjoyed the months of never being full but comfortable and feeling great.

Oh WW plan here I come. I can't wait to get that comfortable healthy feeling again too.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Proud moments


1- Not having to ask for a seatbelt extender on the airplanes.

2- Missing this week's meetings but getting right back on track Thursday

3- Not getting out of breath when climbing all the hills at Busch Gardens today.

4- Drinking unsweet tea today at Busch Gardens instead of soda. I know water is better but sometimes water is not what you want.

5- Keeping myself psyched when I went off course last week that I have come too far to go back to old habits.

6- Choosing to walk to the park exit today at Busch Gardens rather than taking the sky lift with the rest of my family.

7- Allowing my body to recoup from my cold before jumping back into my exercise routine.

8- Opting to slow down and follow my last routine when losing the 29.8 pounds. Slow and steady wins the race.

9- Not stress-eating when situations at work came up that my brother left me to handle while he was on his restful and peaceful honeymoon.



Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Delores and Robert May 17, 2008


THE HANDSOME GROOM (oh my I called my brother handsome)


THE USHERS ( our cousins, Josh and Stephen)

 THE STAND-IN BEST MAN ( my brother in law standing in for my dad)


OF THE GROOM ( my mom)



My 90 year old grandmother being escorted by her great-grandson.




Yes the wind was that strong that her veil blew straight up and none

of the decorations would stay in the car.

Off they go

That ring looks so weird on his finger.


Sisterchicks Go Brit

Check out this new book. I love the Sisterchick series.

By the way Sisterchick Noodlenest. Miss talking to you. Still praying for you and will call you soon.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

More coming soon

I am back home and everyone is safe but not healthy. My body has rebelled on not staying on track and going like the energizer bunny. I caught a cold and feel miserable. I just want to sleep and sleep. I will post soon about the wedding and have pictures soon, I hope.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Off we go...

Well, it is really happening. I have to be up in four hours to leave for the airport. So much has gone on and we thought we would not be going to my brother's wedding in Illinois. But God is good.

Everyone in my immediate family and our pastor leaves in the morning. Yes... including my dad. My grandparents are being driven by my aunt on Thursday and Friday and my cousin leaves Thursday after school.

I am so wired that I can not sleep. I just can not believe the date has come and everyone is going.

On another note, the bride's mother is not doing well. Her doctor has been threatening a hospital stay all week. Please pray for her health to improve and that she is able to enjoy the festivities of the happy couple.

Also pray for safe travels for all of my family.






Sunday, May 11, 2008


Just a quick note to say I lost another ..8 pounds for a total of 29.8. Yayyyy! I am expecting a gain in two weeks or at least a maintain. We leave for my brother's wedding in Illinois in two days and I will have little time for exercise but am going to stick to my points except on the wedding day.

Pray for our travels.


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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Prayer Walking

Why just walk? Try prayer walking. This afternoon after having a family dinner at my sister's house. I decided to walk home. I rode with my parents over there and was feeling energetic. When I first started walking I had the song in my head... Who built the ark? Noah , Noah.... I was thinking wow this is going to be a long 1.5 miles with that in my head. So I decided to pray for people. Yes, Jen and Theresa , this included you and your families.

I was amazed at all the people that came to mind that I was able to pray for. The time just flew by, the next thing I knew I was home. Wow , what a great way to get a good walk in and a great work-out. Try it some time.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Still going but slow!!!!!

Slowly but surely I am still shrinking in size. I hit the 29 pound mark today. Yayyyy!!! I have finally been working all the Good Health Guidelines into my daily points. I feel great.

Today I woke up and went to the early WW meeting because the last few weeks I have missed because things have come up with my regular meeting time. It also got me out and about and I accomplished so much on my day off. I actually accomplished everything plus some. That is rare because I have the habit of being lazy when I am off work.

Well, off to bed I go after this long busy day... and yes I even managed to get a brisk 35 minute walk in too.

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