Nothing to report today because I missed my meeting because I was at Busch Gardens with my nephew. Therefor I will have to go tomorrow or get up early on Saturday, hmmh, I don't see me getting up early. I am not a morning person.
I missed going to my waterwalking class mainly because we didn't get home until 10 minutes before it started. Secondly because I felt my workout of pushing my dad around the hills and downhills of Busch Gardens in a wheelchair was a workout and a half. The hills were great for my heart and legs but the downhills, oh my. I had to hold him back so he would not go flying down the hill. Now that would be a sight. A 69 year old man scared half to death flying downhill in his wheelchair. We could have rented the electric wheelchair for $35 for the day but I rather enjoyed my workout. I can't say he preferred my workout though. I think he was scared his pacemaker/defibrillator may go off with me in control of the chair. He has already mentioned to my mom that I am like a race car driver. Oh well, if I push him enough , he might get up and walk a little which would be good for him. I have to give him praise though, He is doing great. This is the first time since I was a teenager ( ummmh we won't say how many years) that he has been to Busch Gardens. He said he will go for a few hours sometimes but not when it gets hot.
I do have one prayer request. A good childhood friend of mine is having a lumpectomy tomorrow. She is 35. Her aunts on both sides of her family died from breast cancer and her mom is currently battling it. This is a precautionary to get rid of something that has the potential to be cancer. She told me tonight the procedure does not scare her but going under does. Please pray for her to have peace and calmness surround her during this time.
1 comment:
sounds like a fun day at Busch Gardens!! also sounds like you got a great work out!!
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