Monday, February 4, 2008

This made my day

I had one of those days today. Nothing went right and I received four calls from my most disturbing southern gospel customer driving me crazy about a new cd that releases tomorrow.

I was on my way to see my dad at the physical rehab facility when my mom called and said, " you don't have to come tonight, you can just  go home." Well first off , I do not ever have to go see him, I choose to go see him to encourage him. I was already half there so kept on driving to see him. I was walking down the hall thinking in my mind, I am so tired of the smell of this place and I am so tired of walking this hall and was thinking I am so tired of alot of things right now. I want my life to be normal again. With all this going through my mind, I passed a room and noticed something big and unusual. It was a beautiful white and black spotted Great Dane.The owner of the dog walked out just as I passed so I turned back to pet the dog when the man asked if there was someone I would like the dog to visit. So we surprised my dad with this big visitor. This man brings two of his Great Dane's in every other Monday night as therapy for the patients. He only had one with him this evening because his big car was being used for something else. Well, I am not a patient and this dog was therapy for me. That big dog really made my day. Well my dad was smiling too and enjoying him but I was ecstatic.

Here are a few pics.

Yes, that big three year old booger sat on me. Well he attempted to. I don't think anyone has a big enough lap for him. Now if he cheered me up can you imagine what he does to the patients. What a great thing to do with a dog!

Oh also we started talking to the owner and he had a great story to tell too. He just found out he had a 31 year old daughter and met her on January 2. He ran into an old acquaintance last year and he asked about his old flame when he found out that she had passed away. This acquaintance also told him that she had a daughter that was the spitting image of him. He then found the obituary of his old flame and tracked his daughter down in North Carolina. She accepted him with open arms and they are doing great. What a great story.  Of course there is way more to his story but that's the condensed version.

Lord, I pray that you bless this man's relationship with his daughter. I also pray Lord that this man continues his ministry with his therapy dogs and will shine his light for you during these visits.




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