Saturday, September 1, 2007

Ventures of Christian Retail 3

I am sure you remember my southern gospel obsessed customer I wrote about a few months ago. Well he struck again.

I had to call him about something that he had ordered. A cd of none other than a southern gospel group. He informs me that he is going out of town next Saturday and if he does not pick it up by Saturday he will pick it up after the 16th. This is fine and dandy but he had told me that the day before when he called to check on his order.

About an hour later, he calls asking me the difference between DVD and HD DVD. You know exactly what I was thinking, I was thinking I was the 411 operator again but this time as a Help Desk. It had nothing to do with anything he had ordered . He just had the question and I guess I was the lucky candidate today. I guess I must sound DVD intelligent when really if the DVD doesn't work at home I rub it on my shirt and hope it works when I stick it back in. I am not technologically educated. He told me he would call an electronic store and ask them. My response was, good idea. Before he hung up though he told me that he was is going out of town next Saturday and if he does not pick the cd up by Saturday he will pick it up after the 16th. OK that was three times in two days.

Twenty minutes later he calls and says that he called the electronic store and they told him the difference in DVD and HD DVD and then proceeds to inform me on it for twenty minutes. I am now knowledgeable on DVD and HD DVD. Have any questions call your local Christian bookstore because they can call me, lol. Guess what I he told me yet again, you got it.  He is going out of town next Saturday and if he does not pick his cd up by Saturday he will pick it up after the 16th.

Around four when I was getting another busy spurt, the phone rings... You guess it. It is him again. He wanted to know about another southern gospel group and was telling me about this months southern gospel magazine. He asked his total for his cd again and informed me..... i know i know you are tired of reading it and I am tired of hearing it. He  is going out of town next Saturday and if he does not pick the cd up by Saturday he will pick it up after the 16th.

I then prayed for some relief for the last two hours of work. One good thing about being closed on Labor Day and having another day off too is that is two less days I have to hear.......

well I will just let you guess what I was going to write....


I discussed this with a friend and he said "well it's good you can have that kind of personality to draw that up." Why is there always someone in your life that sees the glass half full when you only see it half empty. I am thankful for his friendship though.





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