Monday, April 28, 2008

Nature's Fiery

Several tornadoes tore through some neighboring towns. Actually two were within a mile of my store. Concerned friends and family kept calling me telling me to be careful and to be on the lookout. I was puzzled because everything was calm, well a little rain, where I was.

Upon coming home and watching the news. Some of the damage was very very close to where I work. From piecing things together listening to the neighborhoods that were damaged. I was approximately one mile from where one touched down. That is scary.

Thank you Lord for protecting me today. Please pray for all the families that lost their home and the businesses that lost their property.

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Sunday, April 20, 2008


I need encouragement, support or a pick-me-up. The last few days I have made bad choices for eating and I have lost my enthusiasm for exercise. It is 3 PM on Sunday and I am out of points.I am also out of weekly points and in the whole on weekly points too.  This is not good. This is soooo not good.

I know it is stress and worry but now I need to combat it. Yesterday I did do a ten minute walk but that was so less than what I normally do. I am up to doing 30 minutes on the elliptical and then 40 minutes of strength training at least twice a week. Then I do some videos at home two to three times a week. I know I have been going back and forth to the hospital and putting my own concerns to the side. This has to stop. Fortunately my dad came home yesterday so some of the tracking back and forth will stop.

Please lift me up in prayer during my journey of weight loss. I still lost one pound this week. I can not explain why. Also continue to uplift my dad in prayer. He really wants to go to my brother's wedding. One last request, please continue to uplift my friends Jennifer and Mike in prayer. Their recovery journey is just beginning.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


My dad's surgery went great. It is almost midnight and I am just getting home and surviving off about three hours sleep from last night. The surgery was scheduled for 9 am then moved to 4 pm, then 5pm, then 6 pm and  finally 7:30 pm. He did not need a hip replacement but a rod placed into the bone. They were able to do it with a spinal whatnot ( I am not a doctor or a nurse and obviously not a good listener either since I do not know the technical term or the slang term)  so his surgery was less risky with his heart and lung problems.

Thank you for your prayers. The doctor did say that the wedding trip is not out of the question and if he sets his mind to it and the recovery that he can go. Pray for his strength and determination.

On a comical note, I will leave you with a cute pic of him in his beautifiul metallic surgical cap.

Oh  my he is the male version of his mother, my late grandmother.

By the way, I talked to my friend that was in the car accident. He is doing good too. He was in good spirits and still had his funny wit. Please continue to uplift them in prayer too as he faces surgery again next week.


I'm tired, I'm weary....

I am so tired, I am so weary. The bad things just keep happening. We started the 30 day count down on the 14th until we leave for my brother's wedding in Illinois by airplane. My brother is 45 and she is 42, neither have ever been married. They both live in VA but Illinois is her hometown so that is where it is taking place.  My dad had been progressing wonderfully. He was maneuvering around the house and doing great. This was the first month, so far ,since October that he nor I (him mostly though)  had been in the hospital for any reason.

Until this evening, I had just sat in my recliner and had my blanket all snuggled up watching the news when I heard a strange sliding and crashing sound. I jumped up to find him on the kitchen floor. He had slipped and tried to catch himself on the refrigerator. He could not move his leg. I could not pick him up. He was taken by ambulance to the ER to find out he has broken his hip and will need surgery tomorrow. This is four weeks before the much anticipated wedding. We are all so distraught. We are the only family and friends making the journey for my brother. It is just heart-breaking to think that my dad is not going to be able to go and perhaps my mom. At this point, I don't know what the options are. Please uplift my dad in prayer for safe surgery, speedy healing and recovery and lift my family in prayer as we progress down this journey with him.

Also continue to pray for my friends, Mike and Jennifer from a previous post on the car accident. They will have some tough day ahead too.

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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Happy Belate Birthday!

I know, three posts in one day, wow. Yesterday I was so shocked about my friend that I forgot to give happy birthday wishes to her and my father.

Happy 70th Birthday Dad!

Happy 35th Birthday Jen!

Prayer Request

I received a phone call yesterday from a dear friend of mine telling me her husband, whom I have known since elementary school, had been in a head-on collision. He survived , Praise the Lord. He does have some injuries. He has two broken legs, a broken wrist and a slash in his head. He may have surgery sometime next week after the swelling goes down in his leg.

Please uplift him, his wife and their family during this time and the next few months as he recovers. They are a wonderful family and wonderful friends. Pray for peace to surround them and for all of their needs to be met during this time of trial and recovery.

If you want to leave a comment of encouragement, her link is the Noodlenest link on the left hand side of my page.

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No Weigh In Pass

Nothing to report today. I used my no weigh in pass because I know last week was such a bad week. I am back on track and doing good. Hopefully good news to report next week.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

It's My Birthday , I Deserve it....

It's my birthday. I splurged and over indulged. The only thing I accounted for on WW was my banana this morning. That is where it ended. I treated myself to some of my favorite things. After all it is my 35th birthday. I still did not do as bad as I would have done just a few months ago. I know there are other ways to treat yourself without food but at the same time alot of these things are out of my system for now. I had been craving them the last few weeks too. Also most things I treated myself too I shared. I guess you want some details too. OK OK.

Brunch- free birthday dinner ( Spicy Chicken Pasta) and cake for being on their Blue Plate mailing list. I did share some of my cake with 5 other people.

Snack-Western Fries from Royal Farms-I must confess I only shared a few of those.

Snack several hours later- Apple Empanada from Taco Bell.

Dinner-mexican.... 1/3 nachos supreme, 1/4 chicken and sausage burrito, 1/4 fajitas for two

Personal Indulgences... manicure and pedicure.

I am done today and back on track tomorrow. Don't forget.....

It's my birthday, I deserve it. They only come once a year.


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Sunday, April 6, 2008


Yes a bad, bad eating weekend.

Yesterday we went toChick-Fil-A for breakfast before our hour drive to my future sister-in-law's shower. I did get the chicken bagel and removed the egg and chose fruit over hash browns. Great choices but that is where it ended.

The shower was full of homemade goodness. Someone made these delectably delicious pastries and I had two. I tried to fill my plate with fruit but then I saw the mini quiche and the brunch casserole. My intentions were gone with the wind. On the way home we went by her house to see her wedding dress. Oh my it is beautiful. Unfortunately I was hungry on the way home ( it had been several hours after all). I nibbled on the leftovers from what we had brought to the shower.

After arriving home, I ate one piece of pizza. Ummmh, Uno's deep crust with a minimum of 20 points a slice. Bad choice. Later I did eat a low points dinner.

Today we were celebrating my dad's 70th birthday at Olive Garden. It is really Wednesday but it was easier on everyone to go today. I did not do that bad but I did have two bowls of the soup, I chose that over the salad today. I was so full after the soup and breadsticks that I took my meal home. But the soup and breadsticks and the alfredo dipping sauce for them I definitely over indulged. Plus we had cake too. Since it was also my birthday cake , I was not going to pass up a piece. Oh no, I could not do that.

This is also my birthday week ( I am celebrating my 21st birthday for the 15th time) so I know Tuesday will be off whack. Also next Sunday is my grandfather's 94th birthday lunch and another shower for my brother and future sister in law. The 19th is yet another shower and thank goodness there are no more celebrations until we leave May 14th for the wedding. Despite my good intentions when I see all that good food I become an addict. One bite is not enough. I want more and more.

I knew these celebrations were coming and I tried to brace myself. Right now I feel miserable but I also look back and know I ate way less than I would have just four months ago. Praise the Lord!

Please pray for me to have strength this week and to make the right choices as I enter into temptation.

Friday, April 4, 2008

If hunger is not the problem....

If hunger is not the problem, Food is not the answer.


We all need to remember that in everyday life of stress and emotional eating. I know for one I am a stress, emotional and celebratory eater. I eat for every emotion. But why? Because that is how I learned to deal with problems. If I was injured, I had a cookie. If I was sad, I had potato chips. If I was celebrating , we had cake. All emotions turned to food.

I know I was not hungry when I ate a cookie because I deserved it when I was wounded. I knew I wasn't hungry when I demolished the big bag of chips because I was sad or stressed. I also wasn't hungry when I had that cake to celebrate something.  Once I have had the comfort foods I then feel guilty and  repeat the cycle with more food. These habits have to change.

I am changing them slowly. I do not bring cookies or potato chips in the house. Both of those foods are my trigger foods. Once I have a few I must finish the bag to keep me from eating them tomorrow. It makes a lot of sense right.

The food does not fix my problem so why even turn to it. Read a book, exercise, clean, or best of all spend time with God. Find something other than food because food isn't going to fix the emotional need of anything.

Remember.... If hunger is not the problem, food is not the answer.


Thursday, April 3, 2008

After all weigh in was at different times of the day

Yes, black font. I am discouraged right now. I gained 1.8 pounds. I ate better than normal this week. My activity points were higher. I just don't understand.

I keep telling myself that last week I weighed in at 11 AM and today it was 6 PM. The time of day can make a big difference. I also know I took my high blood pressure fluid pill earlier today and did not seem to get rid of any more fluid than usual. I also know that muscle weighs more than fat. I know my arms are getting toned and my legs, oh my . I can feel the muscles just standing still . I also keep thinking, your clothes feel better and your workout clothes are starting to hang and I have to keep pulling them up. So something is going on but the scale just does not want to show it.

Please keep me encouraged and uplifted.

I have decided to revamp my goal. My goal now is to hit 30 pounds by my three month mark on April 17. That is only 3 pounds, much more reasonable than last week's 35 goal. I don't want to get disappointed again.

Note of praise though. I requested prayer for my friend last week for her lumpectomy. She is doing fantastic. The biopsy came back non-cancerous. Praise the Lord!