Wednesday, August 29, 2007

It's back!

What's back , you ask? 

Well something I am proud of again.

Still wondering?

I guess I can tell you. Hmmh.


It's my smooth skin and complexion. I was one of those girls born with nice skin. I know I can't help it. Everyone would ask what I do and my response was, I wash my face. No secrets just washing. I could eat chocolate when most girls avoided it, I never had a problem with my skin. Well for the past few years I have been upset at what I thought age had done to me. My clear , smooth skin was bumpy and just yucky to me.

What have I done different? I stopped drinking sodas. As I thought back to my old habits. I remembered I rarely would drink a soda from my 11th grade year until I was 21. No skin problems all those years. But when I was 21 I started drinking sodas again. Well at 34, I am in week three of trying not to drink carbonated beverages. I have had a few sips but no full soda. YAYYY!

I was doing some research on carbonation and its components and will spare you the details but just think you are drinking basically gas. I was in the drive-thru while a restaurant was getting refueled on the CO2 and it was brought in by what looked like a propane truck. Wow think about it , a propane truck. Then we put that into our bodies. So its another pure example of , Junk in and junk out.

 Now if I can only work on that philosophy in other areas of my life. My skin is the first place I see it but my face and body are still plump and that I am working on.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Munchkin is smart.

On Tuesday I was driving down the road with my 4 year old nephew who I refer to as munchkin. We passed the local Pepsi facility. I made the statement to my mom that I hope when I get to heaven that there is a fountain full of Pepsi. Since I am trying to stay away from the carbonation and empty calories, I really would like that luxury fountain in heaven where calories do not matter anymore. Munchkin says,

 " Nanny, When I get to heaven I hope there is alot of Sierra Mist up there."

I could not help but to chuckle at his comprehension of what I was saying and how smart he was to make that statement. Munchkin I hope and pray that your Sierra Mist fountain is right next to my Pepsi fountain. I love you little man.

I guess in heaven all our wants and desires will be gone, but wouldn't it be great to drink and drink from that unlimited Pepsi and Sierra Mist fountain, oh my.


By the way in the last two weeks I have only had a few sips of soda .That was only because of the lack of anything non-carbonated at the time.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Got it right this time.

Well today was a day off but it was not too restful but extremely hectic. I did have the pleasure to sleep until 10 AM. I finally got motivated and decided to mow the grass, not only because it needed it but also for exercise. Why go the Y when it is so nice outside, right? I mowed the front and back yard and finished at 1:09 PM. I walked in the house and was told that I needed to go meet my grandparents at a doctor's office to take them home from an appointment and I needed to be there by 1:45 PM. Did you catch that I just finished at 1:09 and you know I was hot, smelly, sweaty and covered with grass? Did I mention that their doctor's office was halfway across this long city I live within? Did I also mention I am known for long, long showers? The race was on. I showered put clothes on and at least put on some foundation and mascara . I jumped in the car and let the open window blow my hair dry and  put a headband in when I got there. Well I was only five minutes late, can you believe it? I was proud but my aunt was fuming. Oh well, she makes us mad about alot of things so one time of making her mad will not hurt.

My grandmother had mentioned something about raisin bread from Costco and in another breath she was bragging on my meatballs and rice from last week. Now I know you remember that fiasco with the bisquick. Uh-huh, I thought so. So I detoured and ran into Costco and bought raisin bread, meatballs and chicken salad. I also bought them two of those great hot dogs Costco sells along with a Churro. Uhh- yeah I bought myself one too. Baby steps now, I have now officially curbed the Pepsi and carbonated drinks addiction. I can't make all my lifestyle changes in one month. Ohh , now back to the subject. I took them to their house and made more meatballs , gravy and rice for them to freeze. But this time I did not mess anything up.... WOW , can you believe it. I got it right this time.

Well let me tell you what I did not get to do today. My sister said it was too cloudy for Water Country. It was warm but not sunny, hmmh isn't that a good day to go and not get burnt. I was supposed to deposit my paycheck, that did not happen either. I hope that no surprises go through my checking account because $4.45 will not cover but so much. My backup plan in case Water Country was to go get a manicure and pedicure but that did not happen either. My toes and nails are screaming at me , believe me.

Let me tell you what did happen. I was able to be there when my grandparents needed me. I was able to spend some time with them even if they can not hear what I say because of their hearing. They knew I was there for them. They have asked for very little help and are 89 and 93. I wont regret helping them especially knowing the uncertainty of the future at their ages and health. I know who holds the future and I know who made all my plans fall through so I could be there for my grandparents. God knew no amount of time at Water Country , the luxury of the manicure and pedicure or the amount of money not in the bank could make up for the time with my grandparents.

I got it right today in more than one way  thanks to God Almighty. Thank you God.

Funny FYI:

My grandmother insisted on paying me back for the groceries I bought today. I know enough not to argue with her. I have learned to make up arbitrary amounts. I told her $10. I thinks she really believes I bought Costco sized meatballs ($11.99), Costco sized chicken salad ($8.83), Raisin bread ($3.99), two hotdogs(1.50 x2), churro ($1),  gravy and fixins for the meatballs ($2). I chuckle because of her really thinking she got all that for $10. Granted it is alot of meals for them but I am thankful I can do things like that and today thankful for my credit card, remember I only had $4.45 in the bank. SHHHH! All of this is our secret.




Monday, August 20, 2007

Middle name Meme

My sister chick  from Noodles Nest tagged me!

1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts.
2. Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
3. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts.
4. At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

My middle name is Michelle, you know it had to be a long one right. I could try the I don't have a middle name thing and make up one but I like my middle name, so here goes.  

M- Much of me to love

I- Intellectual... sometimes

C- Confused about alot of things right now

H- Happy to be a Christian

E- Excellent aunt

L- Loved by many, I hope

L- Looking for Mr Right so I can be loved by one more

E- Easy to get along with.. most of the time

See I did it .

Since everyone I know has already been tagged I will tag anyone out there in the internet and blog world that happens to read my blog . Just send me your link in a comment so I can read too.... Clay this means you too.



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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Three minus one equals two

I really do try to help people.

My grandparents are 89 and 93 and have been doing fairly good until recently. My grandfather took a terrible fall and hit the brick on his fireplace. His back is just plain ugly. I took a picture to show my sister, who is an RN and can handle things and even she said, eewhhh. I had the notion to go surprise them and cook a meal.

As I was driving I also decided to get them a few Chic-Fil-A sandwiches since they would never buy them for $2.55 a sandwich with their money but anyone else's money is ok. I also bought them a large chicken salad cup thinking they could have sandwiches for a few days. Wow, I think I am doing great taking these two things and cooking a meal of meatballs and rice, their favorite. I should not have thought anything I was doing would turn out great.

I get there at four in the afternoon and  they are cooking dinnner. Four for me would be a late lunch but I stay up until midnight too and they are asleep by nine unless the Braves are playing. He will stay up all night for that. I forgot that old people eat early.  Anyhow, I tell her what I have and what I am doing. They grab the sandwiches and start eating them right away while I start the meatballs and gravy on the stove. I turned the front burner on , well what I thought was the front burner and I started smelling burning plastic. I look over and her old tupperware from the 1960's is melting and bisquick mixture is everywhere and I mean everywhere. Dummy me had turned the back burner on and out of all the burners that is the burner she put her mixture for her bisquick cheeseburger pie.

They are on the porch sitting in 95 degree temperature (you know old people get cold easily) eating their sandwiches. So I begin to clean my mess up and am looking for more bisquick to whip up another batch. Well I had to eat humble pie and ask her only to find out that was the last of the bisquick. Oh my, I should have known.

My grandmother was trying to be so sweet but I heard her tell my grandfather what a waste of eggs and milk. That was her way of thinking.

My thought was wow, I messed up one meal and brought three meals so I think they are two ahead. If only everyone thought that way.

Moral of the story, I would say, it does not pay to be nice but that's not true. My moral is it does not pay for ME to be nice.

NOTE: We put the hamburger in the fridge and my aunt brought bisquick on her visit the next day but I think they still think I owe them a cup of milk and two eggs. Now I need to go to the thrift store to see if I can find a 1960's tupperware bowl.

 Oh well, I tried.

Here is the recipe :





Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Redemption of Sarah Cain

The movie "Saving Sarah Cain" based on the Christian fiction book " Redemption of Sarah Cain" by Beverly Lewis will air on Lifetime at 6 PM Sunday, August 19 and re air at 2 PM Monday the 20th.

I had the opportunity to see this movie at our International Christian Retailers Association Convention. It was great. Fox Faith did a superb job. The director was Michael Landon, Jr. Show support and watch it this weekend.

Beverly Lewis is a great fiction writer. Most of her stories are based on the Amish faith and living. This book is no exception. It is great that it was chosen as a movie.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


After reading the post on Noodle's Nest , I had to go see the movie Hairspray. The movie was great. I loved it. There was so much more to the movie then the acting.

The storyline for those who have not seen it or the Broadway version is accepting people for who they are. Size does not matter. Color does not matter. Nothing matters but the person's heart. I do strive for this goal because I am overweight. I know that I have been passed over for jobs and other things because of it. I am a beautiful person on the inside and out. I do get down on myself alot. Other times I think it is their loss not mine if the person is that shallow. Anyway you look at it, it is wrong.

Dear Lord,

Help me to remember to look beyond anyone's physical appearance. I know in my sinful ways I have failed. Please forgive me. Help me to look at other's hearts and to treat everyone equal. That is my intentions but at times I am human. Thank you for your forgiveness.

Help me to show your love with everyone I am in contact with and not to treat some people different than others. We are all your children.

Help me to keep on the right track for making my body your temple and pleasing to you.



FYI: I had four sips of a canned Pepsi today and walked away. YAYYYY!!!!


Friday, August 10, 2007

I did it!

Today I was starving after work and was going back and forth on what I was doing for dinner and whether I was going to the Y to workout. I was in the mood for a gumbo mixture that I make but knew I could not go to the grocery store, cook it and go to the Y before closing time.

So what did I do ? I went to the store , bought my ingredients and went home to cook. I started the meal and while it was simmering I went for a two mile walk. The temperature here had dropped and it was a fairly pretty evening. So when I returned from my lovely walk famished I had a delicious meal waiting for me.

In my proud words I say.... I DID IT!

DISCLAIMER: I do not recommend leaving the house with something simmering but I was lucky enough to have someone at home to make sure I did not burn the house down.

NOTE: Have you seen the advertisements for the Healthy Choice Cafe Steamer dinners. I bought one today to try and was quite impressed for Healthy Choice. Granted I have not had Healthy Choice in years because I found it blah but this was quite tasty. I had the Chicken Margherita, ummh!


Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The Window

                                              The Duck & the Devil

There was a little boy visiting his grandparents on their farm. He was given a slingshot to play with out in the woods. He practiced in the woods; but he could never hit the target. Getting a little discouraged, he headed back for dinner. As he was walking back he saw Grandma's pet duck. Just out of impulse, he let the slingshot fly, hit the duck square in the head and killed it. He was shocked and grieved!

In a panic, he hid the dead duck in the wood pile; only to see his sister watching! Sally had seen it all, but she said nothing.After lunch the next day Grandma said, "Sally, let's
wash the dishes" But Sally said, "Grandma , Johnny told
me he wanted to help in the kitchen." Then she whispered to him, "Remember the duck?" So Johnny did the dishes.

Later that day, Grandpa asked if the children wanted to go fishing and Grandma said, "I'm sorry but I need Sally to help make supper." Sally just smiled and said, "Well that's all right because Johnny told me he wanted to help" She whispered again, "Remember the duck?" So Sally went fishing and Johnny stayed to help.

After several days of Johnny doing both his chores and Sally's; he finally couldn't stand it any longer. He came to Grandma and confessed that he had killed the duck. Grandma knelt down, gave him a hug and said, "Sweetheart, I know. You see, I was standing at the window and I saw the whole thing, but because I love you, I forgave you. I was just wondering how long you would let Sally make a slave of you."

Thought for the day and every day thereafter?

Whatever is in your past, whatever you have done...and the devil keeps throwing it up in your face (lying, cheating, debt, fear, bad habits, hatred, anger, bitterness, tc.)...whatever it is ...You need to know that God was standing at the window and He saw the whole thing. He has seen your whole life. He wants you to know that He loves you and that you are forgiven.

He's just wondering how long you will let the devil make a slave of you. The great thing about God is that when you ask for forgiveness; He not only forgives you, but He forgets. It is by God's grace and mercy that we are saved. Go ahead and make the difference in someone's life today.

 Share this with a friend and always remember

God is at the window!


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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Tuesdays lifestyle report

With all the action from the previous post, I did not officially workout but I walked alot. I think I lost a few pounds in perspiration too, haha!

My first step is to break my carbonated beverage habit.  They just bloat your so much. I drink water mostly but sometimes I want some flavor and that is when I turn to sodas..I shared one with my nephew and my mother, so I had less than a third. I opted for unsweetened tea at dinner and Hi-C orange for my ride home. I know , I know the Hi-C is full of carbs. My thinking, if I get off the carbonation first then I will cut out the carbs. I did it before and it worked. Hopefully I can keep that mind set. I do not like diet sodas so that is not an option. BLAH!

Anyways, I think under the circumstances, I did good. Thanks for the encouragement.


I had the bright idea to take a day off and take my nephew to the Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center. The aquarium is pretty good. My favorite part was the penguins and the sea otters. The mistake I made was going during peak tourist season.

First sign of my mistake was the line out the door and all the way down the building almost to the seal attraction, oh my. I couldn't turn back then. I stood there for 30-45 minutes with sweat dripping everywhere. You know I wouldn't mind the heat if I didn't perspire but if I didn't perspire I would have a more serious problem, I know.

Second sign, the front of the line was not right in the door. It was down a long hallway then another hallway and in another line. Wow, we finally made it.

The aquarium was so busy and packed. It was worse than Busch Gardens on a busy day. Needless to say my nerves and patience were very low. We decided to take our time and try not to let the busyness rush us .

Anyone who has been there knows there are two buildings that are supposedly 1/4 mile apart on the nature trail. Well let me tell you on a 100 degree day it is not 1/4 of a mile. It is 5000 miles, and yes I was perspiring. Blahhh!

After hours of fighting tourists, my nephew says " I want to ride the "charlie". Translation, he wants to ride the trolley. So we boarded the trolley and went to the oceanfront. That was the highlight of the day. The aquarium was nice but the ocean at around 5 or 6 PM, spectacular. My nephew played in the water for an hour and then we found this wonderful Greek restaurant on the water. He was great during dinner so he was able to have a train ride at the kids amusement after dinner. Then we boarded the "charlie" and went home.

What started off as a weary day turned out to be spectacular, perspiration and all. Isn't that how God works? He takes the ugly and makes it pretty. He takes our sin laden life and turns it around. How wonderful?

Now back to the topic. I will definitely go back to the aquarium but maybe in November or December when I know the tourists are not at the beach. Now I know why when I travel to places and ask locals what they think about a certain attraction and they say, " I don't know I have never been there." I will no longer look surprised because they have better since then I do but they could go in the off season, right.

VA Beach tips for locals:

#1 Go to attractions in off season

#2 If you must go , avoid the lines and buy your tickets ahead of time, online.

#3 If you  have to go , find a place the trolley runs from an off site and pay the dollar to and fro, it is so worth it.

#4 Try the Ammos Greek Restaurant at 1401 Atlantic Ave. Behind 14th St. Fishing Pier On the Boardwalk

Monday, August 6, 2007

Back to Fitness

I am back to logging my journey to fitness. I did good for 12 weeks and lost 15 pounds but then things happened. What things, you ask? I had to get ready for Kim to come in town. Then guess what, Kim came in town. Then I went out of town on business. Then I took two weeks to recover, yes two weeks. That convention was nine days of constant walking and late nights. I was exhausted. I did trickle back to the Y two nights in one week but then for different reasons I did not go the next week.

All of those weeks as I look back as busy as I really was , all of it is just excuses. Excuses to not put my health and well being first. Well God is first always and I am working on keeping my daily devotions and prayer time most important in a day. But secondly I am working on my health. No excuse not to take time for myself for 30-45 minutes a day to exercise , after all there are 1440 in a day. If I get the right items I can turn my exercise time into my devotional and prayer time. Its amazing how many people, things and situations come to your mind if you use your walking and exercise time to pray.

Here I go, keep me encouraged.

Today, no sodas and went to the Y. I rode bike for 2 miles and did the FitLinxx system. Good start, I think.

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