What's back , you ask?
Well something I am proud of again.
Still wondering?
I guess I can tell you. Hmmh.
It's my smooth skin and complexion. I was one of those girls born with nice skin. I know I can't help it. Everyone would ask what I do and my response was, I wash my face. No secrets just washing. I could eat chocolate when most girls avoided it, I never had a problem with my skin. Well for the past few years I have been upset at what I thought age had done to me. My clear , smooth skin was bumpy and just yucky to me.
What have I done different? I stopped drinking sodas. As I thought back to my old habits. I remembered I rarely would drink a soda from my 11th grade year until I was 21. No skin problems all those years. But when I was 21 I started drinking sodas again. Well at 34, I am in week three of trying not to drink carbonated beverages. I have had a few sips but no full soda. YAYYY!
I was doing some research on carbonation and its components and will spare you the details but just think you are drinking basically gas. I was in the drive-thru while a restaurant was getting refueled on the CO2 and it was brought in by what looked like a propane truck. Wow think about it , a propane truck. Then we put that into our bodies. So its another pure example of , Junk in and junk out.
Now if I can only work on that philosophy in other areas of my life. My skin is the first place I see it but my face and body are still plump and that I am working on.